Thursday, March 27, 2008

Being is Born of Not Being

I guess the best way to start a blog, is to explain the Blog title.

Being is born of not being is from the Tao Te Ching. It fits the way I look at the world.
  • For all appearances, the universe came from "not being".
  • One moment not universe, then the Big Bang, and poof. You have a universe.
  • The world did not exist. Rock, gas, bits and pieces of the universe get together and you have a planet. Earth.
  • Life was nowhere to be seen, and then the right elements, molecules, chemicals, find each other and it begins.
  • Evolution begins, as it must, and 3 billion years later humans are thinking they're the best things since white bread.
  • And some 50 odd years ago, a particularly quick sperm met an egg, and my journey began from not being, to being. A close thing too, I'm sure, as there were a lot of other sperms that would have ended my journey before it began had one of them gotten there first.
And as I will not be in a position to write after I go from being back to not being, I choose to say what I wish to say now.

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